Our Vision
The vision of ORHA is the be a valuable partner in the vitality of our community by stabilizing and transforming neighborhoods while empowering working families, elderly, and veterans to greater self-sufficiency.
Innovative Housing With a History of Success
The Oak Ridge Housing Authority runs efficient housing programs that create transformational opportunities for Oak Ridge families and neighborhoods. Our programs reduce the need for more costly support measures and ensure safe, affordable housing that is clean, attractive, and well-maintained.

Serving families in our community is a privilege we strive to earn every day. Visit us anytime and get to know our glowing staff of passionate caretakers.
Our forward-thinking housing solutions are fully integrated into the Oak Ridge community. By building and maintaining desirable, attractive, and affordable housing for underearning working families, elderly, and veterans, we help maintain a bright future for our beautiful city.

ORHA distributes nearly $1,248,000 in housing assistance each year, which provides homes for approximately 260 Oak Ridge area families, while our Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) & Homeownership programs prepare families to enter full self-sufficiency.